Station 46. Counties Manukau District, Te Hiku Fire Region

Kawakawa Bay Rd, Clevedon

Clevedon Fire Station

Photo by Nigel Capon

More pics of Clevedon Fire Station

Clevedon 461

2012 Iveco Eurocargo ML120E25

GHL 346

Photo by Nigel Capon

More pics of Clevedon 461

To be Clevedon 461

2024 Iveco Eurocargo ML120 E22EL

QRN 432

Photo by Derek Quinn

More pics of Clevedon 461


Clevedon 4611

Ex. Onetangi 4111

2023 Hino 500

PWM 702

Photo by Daniel Capon

More pics of Clevedon 4611


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Photos by Derek Quinn

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Updated: 21 Aug 2024